Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thing #9 Finding Feeds

This is exercise #9 of CML's Learn and Play. We created Bloglines in our last exercise. One can create a blogline to receive regularly updated information over the web. This exercise provided search tools for finding news feeds, etc., which can be added to your blogline. We were given three sites to explore, Topix.net, Syndic8.com and Technorait. I didn't care for any of the three. Each site bascially listed current topics with people's opinions, thoughts and comments. I would pick Topix.net, if I had to choose. It had a good format and layout. I couldn't find anything on the subjects, I was looking for. I suggest finding a source through an established newspaper, magazine, etc. Do take a look at one of the three sites listed above. You may find something of interest to you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Bloglines

I was working on exercise #8 in CML's Learn and Play. This is described as Make Life "really simple" with RSS feeds. RSS stands for Really simple syndications, which allows you to recieve updated information over the web. You can pick what you like. For example favorate book sites, newspaper sites, shopping sites, fashion etc. Take a look at my blogline, if you're interested. You might find one you like.

